Financial Assistance
Walbridge School is funded largely through tuition payments; financial assistance is based on financial need and is typically awarded for the academic year in late May and early August. On a very limited basis, donors may provide designated gifts to support attendance of students at Walbridge. The financial aid amount granted to a student depends on the amount of money that has been designated by donors for financial aid, the number of applications, and the need and special circumstances of the families applying.
Families who wish to apply for financial assistance are required to complete an Application for Financial Assistance accompanied by a copy of their most recent state and federal income tax returns. Additional documents may also be requested to enable the committee to make a thoughtful and fair determination.
NEW! Wisconsin Tax Deduction for Tuition Expenses
The state budget bill (2013 Wisconsin Act10) established a private school tuition tax deduction that begins in the 2014 tax year, and is taken when you file in 2015. Wisconsin taxpayers may deduct private school tuition they have paid between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014; up to $4,000 for each dependent child in Kindergarten through Grade 8, and up to $10,000 for each dependent child in grades 9 through 12.
If your child is promoted from eight to ninth grade during the tax year, you may claim tuition payments made, up to the limits, for one grade in the taxable year (either the eighth or ninth grade). You should check with your tax professional to make certain that you qualify for the Wisconsin tax deduction for tuition expenses.

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