School Supply List
Note: supplies will vary based on student groups.
Please send the following school supplies with your child on the first day of school or drop them off in the office the week before (s)he starts and we can give them to your child’s homeroom teacher. If it becomes necessary to restock any of the items during the school year, we will let you know.
2 large erasers
1 (4) pack of multicolored highlighters
1 book bag or backpack
3 containers of Lysol wipes
1 12 ruler, metric/standard
3 packages 3×5 lined note cards
24 wooden #2 pencils
1 pair of scissors
1 pair of headphones w/ name
1 pack of glue sticks pkg of 6
2 wide ruled spiral notebooks
1 package of fine tip markers
1 package of broad tip markers
1 calculator with large numbers
1 Trapper Keeper with zipper
3-4 regular sized boxes of facial tissue or 4-6 small boxes
1 pair of socks for music
1 large, 3-hole punched, sturdy zipper pencil pouch
5 solid colored, 3-hole punched, poly (plastic) folders
1 sets of fine point (not ultra-fine) dry erase markers (blue, green, red, black)
2 composition books (Mead brand, black and white speckled cover)
4 rolls of ¾ Scotch Magic Tape
1 set of chisel tip dry erase marker (blue, green, red, black)
Optional Donations to the school:
Colored/fun Duct Tape
1. Walbridge will provide assignment notebooks for all students and a folder that will be taken home on a daily basis. It will be very important that a parent or guardian checks the contents of this folder every day.
2. Many of these supplies will be shared among classroom members.
3. Students will label their personal items in homeroom on the first day of school.
4. Please contact the office if you need assistance purchasing any of these school supplies.

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